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Questions or comments about PlanItDIY or the website? We’d love to hear from you!

Please email us at or call us at 317-275-9400.

You can also contact the PlanItDIY staff at the North American Retail Hardware Association headquarters at:

6325 Digital Way #300
Indianapolis, IN 46278

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Send us stories, how-to guidelines, videos and photos about your D-I-Y and home improvement projects. Mention your favorite local independent home improvement retailers in your articles, and feel free to link to your favorite information from’s video library. You may link to your own blog or website, if relevant. (Whenever linking, please be sure to include proper attribution.)

Anyone interested in blogging for PlanItDIY should contact Liz Lichtenberger at


***The management at PlanItDIY and NRHA reserve the right to remove published articles if the post is republished elsewhere. All submitted content must reflect the author’s own work. Contributors agree, by submission and acceptance of posts, that is in no way liable in cases of complaints of copyright violations.

In submitting a post to, you agree the submitted content is exclusively owned by You may not reproduce the article on your own blog, newsletter or any other websites.  Any use of the article, once it is posted to, must be done with the permission of the staff.